ICT Installation and Support Services

CDCG provides installation and support services for a wide range of ICT capabilities.  CDCG can install, integrate, operate, train, and maintain local, campus, and “short/long term” deployable area network segments, communications, and information systems.  They include:

  • Desktop
  • Server, basic
  • Mobile devices
  • Cable install
  • Wireless install
  • Core network services
  • Collaboration services
  • Web hosting services
  • VoIP services
  • ERP/MRP services
  • Document Management services
  • Digital Asset Management
  • Data Storage & Backup services


Contact us for more information.

VOSB Certification

Ponder This...

Are You Using Social Software?  Whether for you or your organization / business, social software is pioneering new and faster ways to collaborate, share information, and get assistance.  You need to be part of it.

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