Cyber Support for the Individual

Have you listed and added up the cost of all the different information and communication technologies that you own or use as an individual?  They may include:

  • Cell Phone(s)
  • Internet Access
  • Laptop(s)
  • Desktop(s) at Home
  • Gaming Console(s)
  • WiFi at Home
  • Mobile WiFi
  • A Home Network
  • A GPS for Your Car
  • A Portable GPS
  • Camera(s)
  • Video Camera(s)
  • Email Account(s)
  • Social Network Account(s)
  • Software (too numerous to list)
  • Memberships to Online Services
  • And the List Goes on...


If you added this up, you may be shocked at what you are paying.  Even more important, were the choices you made on the above the best you could make?  What influenced you to select the product you did?  Most likely fancy advertising and/or a recommendation from a friend.  How well do they interact or should they?  What is missing?  Finally, are you paying too much?  We at CDCG believe there's a better way and we're here to help you.

One very important concept missing from your product choices is a systematic and normalized approach for using the Internet.  This would provide a common reference from which to use your different electronic devices that are communications/network enabled to effectively use this environment and share information.  Once you have established such an environment you can then select the right consumer electronics.  CDCG can assist you in both of these areas: establishing your Internet (cyber domain) environment and help you select the best consumer electronics based on your needs and goals.

Taking our four principles of the cyber domain:

  • Cyber Presence
  • Cyber Operations
  • Cyber Protection
  • Cyber Management


We help you:

  • Develop a plan
  • Make recommendations based on industry standards, reviews, and our experience
  • Create a better integrated environment for you
  • Reduce your costs
  • Manage your ICT

You are able to implement this approach in any of these approaches:

  • Do it Yourself (DIY)
  • CDCG works with you
  • CDCG implements for you

The choice is yours.  Contact us to learn more!

Creating Income from the Cyber Domain

In addition to helping you have a better experience within the cyber domain, we can also provide assistance in helping you generate multiple streams of income online.  The opportunities are endless.

Contact us to learn more!


VOSB Certification

Ponder This...

Are You Using Social Software?  Whether for you or your organization / business, social software is pioneering new and faster ways to collaborate, share information, and get assistance.  You need to be part of it.

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