Cyber Support for Organizations

Are you an organization just starting out, don't have a CIO or IT staff, or looking to update your information and communications (ICT) environment? CDCG provides cyber (Internet) services to many different types of organizations (e.g., for profit businesses, non-profits, social businesses) from local to international, and from small to very large.

Our objective is to assist organizations by providing affordable, practical ICT solutions. Whether you are a for-profit or non-profit organization, we at CDCG can help by providing you services to:

  • Enhance your cyber presence and experience
  • Deliver the right ICT capabilities to support your mission
  • Reduce your ICT Total Cost of Ownership

Additionally, for organizations that create products and/or services, we can assist in making them better.


Taking our four principles of the cyber domain:

  • Cyber Presence
  • Cyber Operations
  • Cyber Protection
  • Cyber Management

We help you:

  • Develop a plan
  • Make recommendations based on industry standards, reviews, and our experience
  • Create a better integrated environment for you
  • Reduce your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Manage your ICT

This approach ensures that your ICT dollars are properly spent supporting your organization's mission.

We would like to invite you to contact us to lean more! We can discuss how our services can help you get more out of you ICT capabilities and services.

VOSB Certification

Ponder This...

Are You Using Social Software?  Whether for you or your organization / business, social software is pioneering new and faster ways to collaborate, share information, and get assistance.  You need to be part of it.

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